We currently only ship domestically to the U.S.
Once your order ships, you will receive a shipping confirmation email with the tracking information. We do not require signatures upon receipt nor responsible for lost or stolen packages. For questions about your package, email us at info@takementalcase.com with your inquiry and we will respond to you as soon as possible.
How are shipping costs determined?
Domestic shipping rates are calculated by the shipping provider based on package weight and zip code/destination.
How do I get free shipping?
We are happy to offer free shipping on all U.S. orders over $130. Free shipping will automatically be applied to orders that are over $130 before taxes and after discounts are applied. Online gift card amounts do not apply towards free shipping threshold.
What do I do if I need my package by a specific date?
If you need your shipment by a specific date, we recommend choosing Express 3 Day shipping (if available). Please note that Express Shipping does still have the 2-4 business day handling time. Please note, all shipping options do not account for processing time of 2-4 business days.
How long should I expect to wait for my order?
Most orders are processed within 2-4 business days. From there it depends on the shipping option you choose.
How will I know when my order has shipped?
You will receive an email with tracking information the moment your label is printed! Please allow 24 hours for the information to be updated by the shipping provider.
We have a 100% satisfaction guaranteed policy and returns are easily done by contacting us at info@takementalcase.com
We are happy to accept returns within 30 days of delivery.
To be eligible for a return within 30 days of purchase, the bottles must be Unopened and Untampered. The product(s) being returned must be in their original, unopened, and untampered-with condition. The security seals on the bottles must be intact.
How do I return or exchange an item?
If you are unhappy with a product you’ve purchased, please contact us at info@takementalcase.com
What is the return policy on pre-order products?
If you are unhappy with a product you’ve purchased, please contact us at info@takementalcase.com
How long does it take to process a return?
Once your return is received it is typically processed within 2-3 business days.
Most orders are processed within 1-3 business days (we do not ship on weekends or holidays). For questions about your order, email us at info@takementalcase.com with your inquiry and we will respond to you as soon as we can.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept all major credit cards, as well as payments made through PayPal. We also accept mobile payments through Google Pay, Amazon Pay, and Apple Pay.
What do I do if my payment is declined?
We recommend contacting your bank, as they are generally most helpful identifying the issue.
Can I update my order once it’s been placed?
Unfortunately, you can’t update your order after it has been placed. If you need to make changes or cancel your order, please email us at info@takementalcase.com with “CANCEL ORDER” as the subject and we will do our best to accommodate you.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. The products and information on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this site is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please speak with an appropriate healthcare professional when evaluating any wellness related therapy. Please read the full medical disclaimer before taking any of the products offered on this site. Mental Case Supplements™ is for adults aged 18 and older. If you are pregnant or undergoing treatment for a medical condition, please consult your physician before taking Mental Case Supplements.
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